Source code for timple.timedelta

.. currentmodule:: timple.timedelta

Formatters, locators and converters

Timple timedelta format

Timple represents timedeltas using floating point numbers.
A value of 1.0 corresponds to a timedelta of 1 day.

There are two helper functions for converting between timedelta-like
values and Timple's floating point timedeltas.

.. autosummary::


A wide range of specific and general purpose timedelta tick locators and
formatters are provided in this module.
You should check Matplotlib's documentation for general information on tick
locators and formatters at :mod:`matplotlib.ticker`.
These tickers and locators are described below.

Timedelta tickers

The available date tickers are:

* :class:`FixedTimedeltaLocator`: Locate microseconds, seconds, minutes, hours
  or days (the 'base unit') in fixed intervals.
  Tick locations will always be multiples of the selected interval.
  E.g. if the interval is 15 and the base unit 'seconds', the locator will
  pick 0, 15, 30, 45 seconds as tick locations::

    loc = FixedTimedeltaLocator(base_unit='seconds', interval='15')

* :class:`AutoTimedeltaLocator`: On autoscale, this class picks the best base
  unit (e.g. 'minutes') and the best interval to set the view limits and the
  tick locations.
  Tick locations will always be a multiple of the chosen interval.

Timedelta formatters

The available date formatters are:

* :class:`AutoTimedeltaFormatter`: attempts to figure out the best format to
  use. This is most useful when used with the `AutoTimedeltaLocator`.

* :class:`ConciseTimedeltaFormatter`: also attempts to figure out the best
  format to use, and to make the format as compact as possible while still
  having complete date information. The formatter will make use of axis
  offsets to shorten the length of the tick label when possible.
  This is most useful when used with the `AutoTimedeltaLocator`.

* :class:`TimedeltaFormatter` : use custom timedelta format strings and a
  custom axis offset.

Timedelta format strings

Timple uses format strings to define the format of the tick labels and axis

The format strings for timedeltas defined here are similar to
`datetime.datetime.strftime` format strings but they are **not** the
same and **not** compatible.

| Directive    | Meaning                   | Example                          |
| ``%d``       | The number of days        | 0, 1, 2, ...                     |
| ``%h``       | Hours up to one day       | 00 ... 23                        |
|              | (with zero-padding)       |                                  |
| ``%H``       | Total number of hours     | 0, 1, 2, .... 50, 51, ...        |
| ``%m``       | Minutes up to one hour    | 00 ... 59                        |
|              | (with zero-padding)       |                                  |
| ``%M``       | Total number of minutes   | 0, 1, 2, ..... 100, 101, ...     |
| ``%s``       | Seconds up to one minute  | 00 ... 59                        |
|              | (with zero-padding)       |                                  |
| ``%S``       | Total number of seconds   | 0, 1, 2, ..... 100, 101, ...     |
| ``%ms``      | Milliseconds up to one    | 000 ... 999                      |
|              | second                    |                                  |
|              | (with zero-padding)       |                                  |
| ``%us``      | Microseconds up to one    | 000 ... 999                      |
|              | millisecond               |                                  |
|              | (with zero-padding)       |                                  |
| ``%day``     | The string 'day' with     |  'day' or 'days'                 |
|              | correct plural            |                                  |

The following two functions can be used to format timedelta values with a
format string:

.. autosummary::


String formatting examples::

    >>> import datetime

    >>> fmt = "%d %day, %h:%m"
    >>> td = datetime.timedelta(days=10, hours=6, minutes=14)
    >>> strftimedelta(td, fmt)
    10 days, 06:14

2.5 days as days and hours::

    >>> fmt = "%d %day and %h:00"
    >>> td = datetime.timedelta(days=2, hours=12)
    >>> strftimedelta(td, fmt)
    2 days and 12:00

2.5 days as hours only::

    >>> fmt = "%H:00"
    >>> td = datetime.timedelta(days=2, hours=12)
    >>> strftimedelta(td, fmt)

Seconds with millisecond and microseconds as decimals::

    >>> fmt = "%S.%ms%us seconds"
    >>> td = datetime.timedelta(seconds=2, milliseconds=351, microseconds=16)
    >>> strftimedelta(td, fmt)
    2.351016 seconds

Timedelta converters

Timple provides two timedelta converters which can be registered through
Matplotlib's unit conversion interface (see `matplotlib.units`):

.. autosummary::


Usually you don't need to interact with these converters.
When enabling Timple, one of them is automatically registered with Matplotlib.
(see :mod:`timple.timple`)

The only difference between these converters is the default formatter that is
used. `ConciseTimdeltaConverter` will use the `ConsciseTimedeltaFormatter` by
default while `TimedeltaConverter` will use `AutoTimedeltaFormatter`.

API Reference
import datetime
import string
import math
import re

import numpy as np

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import ticker, units

    # only available for matplotlib version >= 3.4.0
    from matplotlib.dates import _wrap_in_tex
except ImportError:
    def _wrap_in_tex(text):
        p = r'([a-zA-Z]+)'
        ret_text = re.sub(p, r'}$\1$\\mathdefault{', text)

        # Braces ensure dashes are not spaced like binary operators.
        ret_text = '$\\mathdefault{' + ret_text.replace('-', '{-}') + '}$'
        ret_text = ret_text.replace('$\\mathdefault{}$', '')
        return ret_text

__all__ = ('num2timedelta', 'timedelta2num',
           'TimedeltaFormatter', 'ConciseTimedeltaFormatter',
           'TimedeltaLocator', 'AutoTimedeltaLocator', 'FixedTimedeltaLocator',
           'TimedeltaConverter', 'ConciseTimedeltaConverter')

Time-related constants.




def _td64_to_ordinalf(d):
    Convert `numpy.timedelta64` or an ndarray of those types to a number of
    days as float. Roundoff is float64 precision. Practically: microseconds
    for up to 292271 years, milliseconds for larger time spans.
    (see `numpy.timedelta64`).

    # the "extra" ensures that we at least allow the dynamic range out to
    # seconds.  That should get out to +/-2e11 years.
    dseconds = d.astype('timedelta64[s]')
    extra = (d - dseconds).astype('timedelta64[ns]')
    dt = dseconds.astype(np.float64)
    dt += extra.astype(np.float64) / 1.0e9
    dt = dt / SEC_PER_DAY

    NaT_int = np.timedelta64('NaT').astype(np.int64)
    d_int = d.astype(np.int64)
        dt[d_int == NaT_int] = np.nan
    except TypeError:
        if d_int == NaT_int:
            dt = np.nan
    return dt

[docs]def timedelta2num(t): """ Convert timedelta objects to Timple's timedeltas. Parameters ---------- t : `datetime.timedelta`, `numpy.timedelta64` or `pandas.Timedelta` or sequences of these Returns ------- float or sequence of floats Number of days """ if hasattr(t, "values"): # this unpacks pandas series or dataframes... t = t.values # make an iterable, but save state to unpack later: iterable = np.iterable(t) if not iterable: t = [t] t = np.asarray(t) if not t.size: # deals with an empty array... return t.astype('float64') if hasattr(t.take(0), 'value'): # elements are pandas objects; temporarily convert data to numbers # pandas nat is defined as the minimum value of int64, # replace all 'min int' values with the string 'nat' and convert the # array to the dtype of the first non-nat value values = np.asarray([x.value for x in t], dtype='object') nat_mask = (np.iinfo('int64').min == values) if not all(nat_mask): _ttype = t[~nat_mask].take(0).to_numpy().dtype else: _ttype = 'timedelta64[us]' # default in case of all NaT t = np.where(nat_mask, 'nat', values).astype(_ttype) # convert to datetime64 or timedelta64 arrays, if not already: if not np.issubdtype(t.dtype, np.timedelta64): t = t.astype('timedelta64[us]') t = _td64_to_ordinalf(t) return t if iterable else t[0]
_ordinalf_to_timedelta_np_vectorized = np.vectorize( lambda x: datetime.timedelta(days=x), otypes="O")
[docs]def num2timedelta(x): """ Convert number of days to a `~datetime.timedelta` object. If *x* is a sequence, a sequence of `~datetime.timedelta` objects will be returned. Parameters ---------- x : float, sequence of floats Number of days. The fraction part represents hours, minutes, seconds. Returns ------- `datetime.timedelta` or list[`datetime.timedelta`] """ return _ordinalf_to_timedelta_np_vectorized(x).tolist()
class _TimedeltaFormatTemplate(string.Template): # formatting template for datetime-like formatter strings delimiter = '%' def strftimedelta(td, fmt_str): """ Return a string representing a timedelta, controlled by an explicit format string. Arguments --------- td : datetime.timedelta fmt_str : str format string """ # *_t values are not partially consumed by there next larger unit # e.g. for timedelta(days=1.5): d=1, h=12, H=36 s_t = td.total_seconds() sign = '-' if s_t < 0 else '' s_t = abs(s_t) d, s = divmod(s_t, SEC_PER_DAY) m_t, s = divmod(s, SEC_PER_MIN) h, m = divmod(m_t, MIN_PER_HOUR) h_t, _ = divmod(s_t, SEC_PER_HOUR) us = td.microseconds ms, us = divmod(us, 1e3) # create correctly zero padded string for substitution # last one is a special for correct day(s) plural values = {'d': int(d), 'H': int(h_t), 'M': int(m_t), 'S': int(s_t), 'h': '{:02d}'.format(int(h)), 'm': '{:02d}'.format(int(m)), 's': '{:02d}'.format(int(s)), 'ms': '{:03d}'.format(int(ms)), 'us': '{:03d}'.format(int(us)), 'day': 'day' if d == 1 else 'days'} try: result = _TimedeltaFormatTemplate(fmt_str).substitute(**values) except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid format string '{fmt_str}' for timedelta") return sign + result def strftdnum(td_num, fmt_str): """ Return a string representing a float based timedelta, controlled by an explicit format string. Arguments --------- td_num : float timedelta in timple float representation fmt_str : str format string """ td = num2timedelta(td_num) return strftimedelta(td, fmt_str)
[docs]class TimedeltaFormatter(ticker.Formatter): """ Format a tick (in days) with a format string or using as custom `.FuncFormatter`. This `.Formatter` formats ticks according to a fixed specification. Ticks can optionally be offset to generate shorter tick labels. .. note:: The format strings for timedeltas work similar to `datetime.datetime.strftime` format strings but they are **not** the same and **not** compatible. Examples -------- Example plot:: import numpy as np import datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import timple import timple.timedelta as tmpldelta tmpl = timple.Timple() tmpl.enable() base = datetime.timedelta(days=100) timedeltas = np.array([base + datetime.timedelta(minutes=(4 * i)) for i in range(720)]) N = len(timedeltas) np.random.seed(19680801) y = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(N)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True) locator = tmpldelta.AutoTimedeltaLocator() formatter = tmpldelta.TimedeltaFormatter("%H:%m", offset_on='days', offset_fmt="%d %day") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.plot(timedeltas, y) ax.set_title('Timedelta Formatter with Offset on Days') .. image:: _static/timedelta_formatter_example.svg Parameters ---------- fmt : str or callable a format string or a callable for formatting the tick values offset_on : str, optional One of ``('days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds')`` Specifies how to offset large values; default is no offset. If ``offset_on`` is set but ``offset_fmt`` is not, the offset will be applied but not shown. offset_fmt : str or callable, optional A format string or a callable for formatting the offset string. This also requires ``offset_on`` to be specified. show_offset_zero : bool, optional Show axis offset if the offset is zero. usetex : bool, default: `text.usetex` from Matplotlib's rcParams To enable/disable the use of TeX's math mode for rendering the results of the formatter. """ def __init__(self, fmt, *, offset_on=None, offset_fmt=None, show_offset_zero=True, usetex=None): super().__init__() if (offset_on is None) and (offset_fmt is not None): raise ValueError("'offset_fmt' requires 'offset_on to be " "specified.'") self.fmt = fmt self.offset_fmt = offset_fmt self.offset_on = offset_on self.show_offset_zero = show_offset_zero self.offset_string = '' self._usetex = (usetex if usetex is not None else mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'])
[docs] def __call__(self, x, pos=None): return self._format_tick(x, pos)
def _format_tick(self, x, pos=None): # format a single tick value if isinstance(self.fmt, str): return strftdnum(x, self.fmt) elif callable(self.fmt): return self.fmt(x, pos) else: raise TypeError('Unexpected type passed to {0!r} as string ' 'formatter.'.format(self))
[docs] def get_offset(self): """Return the formatted axis offset string.""" return self.offset_string
def _offset_values(self, values): # offset the values based on data or view limits ref = min(values) # evaluate data interval if available # the leftmost (i.e. smallest) data value inside the view window # is used as a reference value # the offset is calculated so that the value of the reference is zero # on the offset level # Example: 1 day 12:00, 2 days 00:00, 2 days 12:00; offset on day # Resulting offset: 1 day # Resulting values: 0 days 12:00, 1 day 00:00, 1 day 12:00 if self.axis is not None: data_ref = min(self.axis.get_data_interval()) ref = max(data_ref, ref) # ref based on data if fully zoomed out else based on view # prevent floating point errors; 13 digits > musecond precision ref = round(ref, 13) # calculate offset based on the reference value and the level # specified by self.offset_on if self.offset_on == 'days': offset = math.floor(ref) elif self.offset_on == 'hours': offset = math.floor(ref*HOURS_PER_DAY)/HOURS_PER_DAY elif self.offset_on == 'minutes': offset = math.floor(ref*MINUTES_PER_DAY)/MINUTES_PER_DAY elif self.offset_on == 'seconds': offset = math.floor(ref*SEC_PER_DAY)/SEC_PER_DAY else: raise ValueError("Invalid value passed to {0!r} for " "'offset_on'".format(self)) # return the values with the offset applied and the offset itself return [val - offset for val in values], offset
[docs] def format_ticks(self, values): offset = None if self.offset_on is not None: # apply an offset to all values values, offset = self._offset_values(values) # create labels based on the values after the offset was applied result = [self._format_tick(val) for val in values] if self._usetex: result = [_wrap_in_tex(label) for label in result] if self.offset_fmt is not None and (self.show_offset_zero or offset): # format the applied offset itself so it can be displayed # as axis offset; only show offset if the offset value is not # zero or if zero offset are set to be shown if isinstance(self.offset_fmt, str): offset_str = strftdnum(offset, self.offset_fmt) elif callable(self.offset_fmt): offset_str = self.offset_fmt(offset) else: raise TypeError('Unexpected type passed to {0!r} as offset ' 'string formatter.'.format(self)) if self._usetex: offset_str = _wrap_in_tex(offset_str) self.offset_string = offset_str else: # reset offset string self.offset_string = "" return result
[docs]class ConciseTimedeltaFormatter(ticker.Formatter): """ A `.Formatter` which attempts to figure out the best format to use for the timedelta, and to make it as compact as possible, but still be complete. This is most useful when used with the `AutoTimedeltaLocator`:: >>> locator = AutoTimedeltaLocator() >>> formatter = ConciseTimedeltaFormatter(locator) The formatter will make use of the axis offset. Depending on the tick frequency of the locator, the axis offset as well as the format for ticks and offset will be determined. There are 5 tick levels. These are the same as the base units of the locator. The levels are ``('days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'microseconds')``. For each tick level a format string, an offset format string and the offset position can be specified. Else, the defaults will be used. Parameters ---------- locator : `.Locator` Locator that the axis is using. formats : list of 5 strings, optional Format strings for tick labels. The default is:: ["%d %day", "%H:00", "%H:%m", "%M:%s.0", "%S.%ms%us"] offset_formats : list of 5 tuples, optional A combination of ``(offset format, offset position)`` where the offset format is a format string similar to the tick format string. Offset position specifies on which level the offset should be applied. See the ``offset_fmt=`` and ``offset_on=`` arguments of `TimedeltaFormatter`. The default is:: [(None, None), ("%d %day", "days"), ("%d %day", "days"), ("%d %day, %h:00", "hours"), ("%d %day, %h:%m", "minutes")] For no offset, set both values of a level to None. To apply an offset but don't show it, set only the format string to None. show_offset : bool, default: True Whether to show the offset or not. show_offset_zero : bool, optional Show axis offset if the offset is zero. usetex : bool, default: `text.usetex` from Matplotlib's rcParams To enable/disable the use of TeX's math mode for rendering the results of the formatter. """ def __init__(self, locator, formats=None, offset_formats=None, show_offset=True, show_offset_zero=True, *, usetex=None): self._locator = locator self.defaultfmt = "%d %day" self.show_offset = show_offset self.show_offset_zero = show_offset_zero # 5 formatting levels self._levels = (1, 1/HOURS_PER_DAY, 1/MINUTES_PER_DAY, 1/SEC_PER_DAY, 1/MUSECONDS_PER_DAY) if formats: if len(formats) != 5: raise ValueError('formats argument must be a list of ' '5 format strings (or None)') self.formats = formats else: self.formats = [ "%d %day", "%H:00", "%H:%m", "%M:%s.0", "%S.%ms%us" ] if offset_formats: if len(offset_formats) != 5: raise ValueError('offset_formats argument must be a list of ' '5 pairs of (format string, offset position)' '(or None)') self.offset_formats = offset_formats else: self.offset_formats = [ (None, None), ("%d %day", "days"), ("%d %day", "days"), ("%d %day, %h:00", "hours"), ("%d %day, %h:%m", "minutes") ] self.offset_str = '' self._usetex = (usetex if usetex is not None else mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'])
[docs] def __call__(self, x, pos=None): # docstring inherited # temporarily wrap x in a list and format with self.format_ticks return self.format_ticks([x, ])[0]
[docs] def format_ticks(self, values): # docstring inherited try: locator_unit_scale = float(self._locator._get_unit()) except AttributeError: locator_unit_scale = 1 # get the level index corresponding to the locator unit scale and # select the appropriate format strings and offset position i = self._levels.index(locator_unit_scale) fmt = self.formats[i] offset_fmt, offset_on = self.offset_formats[i] formatter = TimedeltaFormatter(fmt, offset_fmt=offset_fmt, offset_on=offset_on, show_offset_zero=self.show_offset_zero, usetex=self._usetex) formatter.set_axis(self.axis) labels = formatter.format_ticks(values) if self.show_offset: self.offset_str = formatter.get_offset() return labels
[docs] def get_offset(self): """Return the formatted axis offset string.""" return self.offset_str
[docs]class AutoTimedeltaFormatter(ticker.Formatter): """ A `.Formatter` which attempts to figure out the best format to use. This is most useful when used with the `AutoTimedeltaLocator`. The AutoTimedeltaFormatter has a scale dictionary that maps the scale of the tick (the distance in days between one major tick) and a format string. The default looks like this:: self.scaled = { 1: "%d %day", 1 / HOURS_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m', 1 / MINUTES_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m', 1 / SEC_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m:%s', 1e3 / MUSECONDS_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m:%s.%ms', 1 / MUSECONDS_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m:%s.%ms%us', } The algorithm picks the key in the dictionary that is >= the current scale and uses that format string. You can customize this dictionary by doing:: >>> locator = AutoTimedeltaLocator() >>> formatter = AutoTimedeltaFormatter(locator) >>> formatter.scaled[1/(24.*60.)] = '%M:%S' # only show min and sec A custom `.FuncFormatter` can also be used. See `AutoDateLocator` for an example of this. Parameters ---------- locator : `.Locator` Locator that this axis is using defaultfmt : str The default format to use if none of the values in ``self.scaled`` are greater than the unit returned by ``locator._get_unit()``. usetex : bool, default: `text.usetex` from Matplotlib's rcParams To enable/disable the use of TeX's math mode for rendering the results of the formatter. If any entries in ``self.scaled`` are set as functions, then it is up to the customized function to enable or disable TeX's math mode itself. scaled : dict, optional Allows to overwrite the `scaled` instance attribute at creation. The default values are **updated** with the values of this argument. You can therefore only add or modify exisiting key-value pairs through this argument. """ def __init__(self, locator, defaultfmt='%d %day, %h:%m', scaled=None, *, usetex=None): self._locator = locator self.defaultfmt = defaultfmt self._usetex = (usetex if usetex is not None else mpl.rcParams['text.usetex']) self.scaled = { 1: "%d %day", 1 / HOURS_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m', 1 / MINUTES_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m', 1 / SEC_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m:%s', 1e3 / MUSECONDS_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m:%s.%ms', 1 / MUSECONDS_PER_DAY: '%d %day, %h:%m:%s.%ms%us', } if scaled is not None: try: self.scaled.update(scaled) except TypeError: raise TypeError('scaled needs to be a dictionary that maps ' 'format strings to tick scales!') def _set_locator(self, locator): self._locator = locator
[docs] def __call__(self, x, pos=None): # docstring inherited # temporarily wrap x in a list and format with self.format_ticks return self.format_ticks([x, ])[0]
[docs] def format_ticks(self, values): # docstring inherited try: locator_unit_scale = float(self._locator._get_unit()) except AttributeError: locator_unit_scale = 1 # Pick the first scale which is greater than the locator unit. fmt = next((fmt for scale, fmt in sorted(self.scaled.items()) if scale >= locator_unit_scale), self.defaultfmt) if isinstance(fmt, str): _formatter = TimedeltaFormatter(fmt, usetex=self._usetex) result = [_formatter(val) for val in values] elif callable(fmt): result = [fmt(val) for val in values] else: raise TypeError('Unexpected type passed to {0!r}.'.format(self)) return result
[docs]class TimedeltaLocator(ticker.MultipleLocator): """ Determines the tick locations when plotting timedeltas. This class is subclassed by other Locators and is not meant to be used on its own. Attributes ---------- base_units : list list of all supported base units By default those are:: self.base_units = ['days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'microseconds'] base_factors : dict mapping of base units to conversion factors to convert from the default day representation to hours, seconds, ... """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.base_factors = {'days': 1, 'hours': HOURS_PER_DAY, 'minutes': MINUTES_PER_DAY, 'seconds': SEC_PER_DAY, 'microseconds': MUSECONDS_PER_DAY} # don't rely on order of dict self.base_units = ['days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'microseconds'] # mind docstring for fixed locator
[docs] def datalim_to_td(self): """Convert axis data interval to timedelta objects.""" tmin, tmax = self.axis.get_data_interval() if tmin > tmax: tmin, tmax = tmax, tmin return num2timedelta(tmin), num2timedelta(tmax)
[docs] def viewlim_to_td(self): """Convert the view interval to timedelta objects.""" tmin, tmax = self.axis.get_view_interval() if tmin > tmax: tmin, tmax = tmax, tmin return num2timedelta(tmin), num2timedelta(tmax)
def _create_locator(self, base, interval): """ Create an instance of :class:`ticker.MultipleLocator` using base unit and interval Parameters ---------- base : {'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'microseconds'} interval : int or float Returns ------- instance of :class:`matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator` """ factor = self.base_factors[base] locator = ticker.MultipleLocator(base=interval/factor) locator.set_axis(self.axis) if self.axis is not None: self.axis.set_view_interval(*self.axis.get_view_interval()) self.axis.set_data_interval(*self.axis.get_data_interval()) return locator def _get_unit(self): """ Return how many days a unit of the locator is; used for intelligent autoscaling. """ return 1 def _get_interval(self): """ Return the number of units for each tick. """ return 1
[docs] def nonsingular(self, vmin, vmax): """ Given the proposed upper and lower extent, adjust the range if it is too close to being singular (i.e. a range of ~0). """ if not np.isfinite(vmin) or not np.isfinite(vmax): # Except if there is no data, then use 1 day - 2 days as default. return (timedelta2num(datetime.timedelta(days=1)), timedelta2num(datetime.timedelta(days=2))) if vmax < vmin: vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin unit = self._get_unit() interval = self._get_interval() if abs(vmax - vmin) < 1e-6: vmin -= 2 * unit * interval vmax += 2 * unit * interval return vmin, vmax
[docs]class FixedTimedeltaLocator(TimedeltaLocator): """ Make ticks in an interval of the base unit. Examples:: # Ticks every 2 days locator = TimedeltaLocatorManual('days', 2) # Ticks every 20 seconds locator = TimedeltaLocatorManual('seconds', 20) Parameters ---------- base_unit: {'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'microseconds'} interval: `int` or `float` """ def __init__(self, base_unit, interval): super().__init__() if base_unit not in self.base_units: raise ValueError(f"base must be one of {self.base_units}") self.base = base_unit self.interval = interval self._freq = 1 / self.base_factors[base_unit]
[docs] def __call__(self): # docstring inherited locator = self._create_locator(self.base, self.interval) return locator()
[docs] def tick_values(self, vmin, vmax): return self._create_locator(self.base, self.interval)\ .tick_values(vmin, vmax)
def _get_unit(self): return self._freq
[docs] def nonsingular(self, vmin, vmax): if not np.isfinite(vmin) or not np.isfinite(vmax): # Except if there is no data, then use 1 day - 2 days as default. return (timedelta2num(datetime.timedelta(days=1)), timedelta2num(datetime.timedelta(days=2))) if vmax < vmin: vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin unit = self._get_unit() interval = self._get_interval() # factor adjusts unit from days to hours, seconds, ... if necessary factor = self.base_factors[self.base] if abs(vmax - vmin) < 1e-6 / factor: vmin -= 2 * unit * interval / factor vmax += 2 * unit * interval / factor return vmin, vmax
[docs]class AutoTimedeltaLocator(TimedeltaLocator): """ This class automatically finds the best base unit and interval for setting view limits and tick locations. Parameters ---------- minticks : int The minimum number of ticks desired; controls whether ticks occur daily, hourly, etc. maxticks : dict or int The maximum number of ticks desired; controls the interval between ticks (ticking every other, every 3, etc.). For fine-grained control, this can be a dictionary mapping individual base units ('days', 'hours', etc.) to their own maximum number of ticks. This can be used to keep the number of ticks appropriate to the format chosen in `AutoDateFormatter`. Any frequency not specified in this dictionary is given a default value. Attributes ---------- intervald : dict Mapping of tick frequencies to multiples allowed for that ticking. The default is :: self.intervald = { 'days': [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 500000, 1000000], 'hours': [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12], 'minutes': [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30], 'seconds': [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30], 'microseconds': [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 500000, 1000000], } The interval is used to specify multiples that are appropriate for the frequency of ticking. For instance, every 12 hours is sensible for hourly ticks, but for minutes/seconds, 15 or 30 make sense. When customizing, you should only modify the values for the existing keys. You should not add or delete entries. Example for forcing ticks every 3 hours:: locator = AutoTimedeltaLocator() locator.intervald['hours'] = [3] # only show every 3 hours For forcing ticks in one specific interval only, :class:`FixedTimedeltaLocator` might be preferred. """ def __init__(self, minticks=5, maxticks=None): super().__init__() self.intervald = { 'days': [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 500000, 1000000], 'hours': [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12], 'minutes': [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30], 'seconds': [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30], 'microseconds': [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 500000, 1000000], } # mind the default in the docstring self.minticks = minticks self.maxticks = {'days': 11, 'hours': 12, 'minutes': 11, 'seconds': 11, 'microseconds': 8} if maxticks is not None: try: self.maxticks.update(maxticks) except TypeError: # Assume we were given an integer. Use this as the maximum # number of ticks for every frequency and create a # dictionary for this self.maxticks = dict.fromkeys(self.base_units, maxticks) self._freq = 1.0 # default is daily
[docs] def __call__(self): # docstring inherited tmin, tmax = self.viewlim_to_td() locator = self.get_locator(tmin, tmax) return locator()
[docs] def tick_values(self, vmin, vmax): locator = self.get_locator(vmin, vmax) return locator.tick_values(vmin, vmax)
[docs] def nonsingular(self, vmin, vmax): # whatever is thrown at us, we can scale the unit. # But default nonsingular date plots at an ~4 day period. if not np.isfinite(vmin) or not np.isfinite(vmax): # Except if there is no data, then use 1 day - 2 days as default. return (timedelta2num(datetime.timedelta(days=1)), timedelta2num(datetime.timedelta(days=2))) if vmax < vmin: vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin if vmin == vmax: vmin -= 2 vmax += 2 return vmin, vmax
def _get_unit(self): return self._freq
[docs] def get_locator(self, vmin, vmax): """ Create the best locator based on the given limits. This will choose the settings for a :class:`matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator` based on the available base units and associated intervals. The locator is created so that there are as few ticks as possible but more ticks than specified with min_ticks in init. Returns ------- instance of :class:`matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator` """ tdelta = vmax - vmin # take absolute difference if vmin > vmax: tdelta = -tdelta tdelta = timedelta2num(tdelta) # find an appropriate base unit and interval for it base = self._get_base(tdelta) factor = self.base_factors[base] norm_delta = tdelta * factor self._freq = 1/factor interval = self._get_interval_for_base(norm_delta, base) return self._create_locator(base, interval)
def _get_base(self, tdelta): # find appropriate base unit for given time delta base = 'days' # fallback for base in self.base_units: try: factor = self.base_factors[base] if tdelta * factor >= self.minticks: break except KeyError: continue # intervald was modified return base def _get_interval_for_base(self, norm_delta, base): # find appropriate interval for given delta and min ticks # norm_delta = tdelta * base_factor base_intervals = self.intervald[base] interval = 1 # fallback (and for static analysis) # for interval in reversed(base_intervals): # if norm_delta // interval >= self.minticks: for interval in base_intervals: if norm_delta // interval <= self.maxticks[base]: break return interval
[docs]class TimedeltaConverter(units.ConversionInterface): """ Converter for `datetime.timedelta`, `numpy.timedelta64` and `pandas.Timedelta` data. The 'unit' tag for such data is None. Parameters ---------- formatter_args : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments which are passed on to :class:`AutoTimedeltaFormatter` instances. """ def __init__(self, formatter_args=None): super().__init__() if not formatter_args: self.formatter_args = {} else: self.formatter_args = formatter_args
[docs] def axisinfo(self, unit, axis): """ Return the `~matplotlib.units.AxisInfo`. The *unit* and *axis* arguments are required but not used. """ majloc = AutoTimedeltaLocator() majfmt = AutoTimedeltaFormatter(majloc, **self.formatter_args) datemin = datetime.timedelta(days=1) datemax = datetime.timedelta(days=2) return units.AxisInfo(majloc=majloc, majfmt=majfmt, label='', default_limits=(datemin, datemax))
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(value, unit, axis): """ If *value* is not already a number or sequence of numbers, convert it with `timedelta2num`. The *unit* and *axis* arguments are not used. """ return timedelta2num(value)
[docs]class ConciseTimedeltaConverter(TimedeltaConverter): """ Converter for `datetime.timedelta`, `numpy.timedelta64` and `pandas.Timedelta` data (prefers short tick formats). The 'unit' tag for such data is None. Parameters ---------- formatter_args : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments which are passed on to :class:`ConciseTimedeltaFormatter` instances. """ def __init__(self, formatter_args=None): super().__init__() if not formatter_args: self.formatter_args = {} else: self.formatter_args = formatter_args
[docs] def axisinfo(self, unit, axis): # docstring inherited majloc = AutoTimedeltaLocator() majfmt = ConciseTimedeltaFormatter(majloc, **self.formatter_args) datemin = datetime.timedelta(days=1) datemax = datetime.timedelta(days=2) return units.AxisInfo(majloc=majloc, majfmt=majfmt, label='', default_limits=(datemin, datemax))